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Blog - Eggbeater 432

Testing M2 Eggbeater Baluns

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These quick tests can be performed with a multi-meter only if you are experiencing issues.

Disconnect one end of each loop.

Zero your multi-meter or note the error when the leads or shorted.

Measure from the center pin of the connector to the studs.You should have no more than 0.1 ohms to two studs on one side.

Measure from the shield of the connector to the studs.You should have no more than 0.1 ohms to two the other two studs.

Measure across the center pin to shield.This should be open.

Reconnect the loops.You should now have a short across the connector.

If you do not see these readings, there is a problem in the balun body.  If all of these tests pass, but you are still experiencing a high VSWR directly at the feed, you probably have water damage to one of the balun or phasing cables.

You can contact us directly at 559-432-8873 for additional support.

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